At Anderson Tree Service, our tree removal services are backed by cutting-edge equipment and a commitment to safety. With our specialized spider lift, capable of fitting through a 34-inch-wide gate, reaching heights of up to 90 feet, and extending 50 feet out, we can access and remove trees that other companies simply cannot. As one of the few local businesses with this advanced equipment, we take pride in providing efficient and precise tree removal while prioritizing the safety of your home and property. Our highly trained team ensures that every tree removal is executed with the utmost professionalism and care.
Our tree removal service involves a comprehensive process that prioritizes safety and precision. We assess the tree's condition, surrounding structures, and access points, then use advanced equipment, including our specialized spider lift, to carefully dismantle and remove the tree. Whether it's a hazardous tree close to your home or a large tree in a confined space, our experienced team ensures a smooth, efficient removal with minimal impact on your property.
Here's how it works: We schedule a convenient time to assess your tree, provide a detailed quote, and walk you through the entire removal process, ensuring you're informed every step of the way.
P.O. Box 150
MERCED, CA 95340
We impose a surcharge of 3.5% on credit cards that is
not greater than our cost of acceptance.
We’ll handle the trees, you handle the lemonade.